Alexander Small Walker

Military Information

  • Date of enlistment: August 1915
  • Place of enlistment: Customs House, Dundee
  • Service no: 8333S
  • Rank: Stoker
  • Service Occupation:
  • Awards:
  • Regiment/Service: H.M.S. Hampshire
  • Unit/Ship: Royal Naval Reserve
  • Place of Death: Lost at Sea
  • Age at Death: 22
  • Date of Death: 05.06.1916
  • Burial Country:
  • Cemetery: Portsmouth Naval Memorial
  • Grave/Mem Ref no: Panel 23

Personal Information

  • Date of Birth:
  • Place of Birth:
  • Address: 15 Erskine Street, Dundee
  • Occupation:
  • Mother:

    Jane Small Walker, 15 Erskine St, Dundee

  • Father:

    John Walker, 15 Erskine St, Dundee

  • Siblings:

    Bella, Ina ,John &  David

  • Spouse:
  • Children:

More about Alexander Small Walker

Alexander has no known grave but is remembered on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial. He is believed to be the brother of Pte David Walker, 305191, 1/3rd Field Ambulance, R.A.M.C.

On 5 June 1916 H.M.S. Hampshire left the Royal Navy’s anchorage at Scapa Flow, Orkney, bound for Russia. The Secretary of State for War, Lord Kitchener , was on board as part of a diplomatic and military mission aimed at boosting Russia’s efforts on the Eastern Front.

At about quarter to nine in the evening, in stormy conditions and within two miles of Orkney’s northwest shore, she struck a mine laid by German Submarine U-75. There were only twelve survivors.

Alexander S. Walker   1406   Royal Navy

WALKER—Lost on H.M.S. Hampshire, on the 5th June, Stoker Alexander S. Walker, second son of Mr and Mrs John Walker, 15 Erskine Street, Dundee, aged 22 years. – Inserted by his father and mother, also his sisters Bella and Ina and brother John.

Dundee Peoples Journal 17th June 1916

Alexander Walker was the son of Mr John and Mrs Jane Small Walker of 15 Erskine Street, Dundee. He volunteered to join the Royal Naval Reserve at the Customs House in Dundee in August 1915. He was sent to the Naval Barracks in Portsmouth and then to HMS Vernon for training. In February 1916 he was drafted to the cruiser HMS Hampshire and took part in the Battle of Jutland on 31 May 1916. Less than a week later the Hampshire was sent on a mission to Russia carrying Lord Kitchener, the War Minister. The Hampshire struck a mine laid by the German submarine U-75 off the West Coast of Orkney. Alexander Walker was one of hundreds who died in the sinking and is commemorated on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial on Southsea Common, Hampshire and on the Memorial on Marwick Head on the mainland of Orkney. There is a photograph of Alexander Walker on Page 3 of the Advertiser of 17 June 1916.


Additional information kindly supplied by Michael Caldwell, Ian Stewart & Ian Birnie

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