Great War Dundee
This is Dundee's story of those that served in the First World War, and of the people left at home
We need you to tell us more about the life and times of Frederick McIntosh McAinsh
Frederick McIntosh McAinsh
Military Information
- Date of enlistment: 13.01.1912
- Place of enlistment:
- Service no: 16974
- Rank: Private
- Service Occupation:
- Awards:
- Regiment/Service: Royal Garrison Artillery
- Unit/Ship:
Personal Information
- Date of Birth: 03.07.1894
- Place of Birth: Johnstone, Renfrew
- Address: 35 Forebank Rd, Dundee
- Occupation: Soldier
- Mother:
Jane McAinsh/McAnsh
- Father:
James McAinsh/McAnsh
- Siblings:
- Spouse:
Gertrude McAnsh
- Children:
Gertrude (aka Barbara), James & George
- Age at Death: 30
- Date of Death: 15.07.1924
- Place of Death: Ministry of Pensions Hospital, West Derby District, Liverpool
- Burial Country:
- Cemetery:
More about Frederick McIntosh McAinsh
Frederick is not listed on the C.W.G.C. His surname was originally McAnsh but this was apparently changed to McAINSH when Frederick was admitted to the Baldovan Industrial School in Dundee on 7 May 1900, the family are recorded as residing at 25 Whittons Rd, Hawkhill, Dundee at this time.
Frederick enlisted with the Cameron Highlanders 13.01.1912 with the regimental No 9223. When war broke out he was posted overseas, he was wounded and sent home to recuperate and was discharged from the Camerons 05.09.1916. In 1917 Fred re-enlisted, this time in the Royal Garrison Artillery. Fred died of a Cerebellar Abscess in Liverpool in 1924, leaving behind a wife and 3 children.
Additional information and photo kindly supplied by Frederick’s great granddaughter, Sue Smith.
Can you tell us more about Frederick McIntosh McAinsh'? Some additional facts, a small story handed down through the family or perhaps a picture or an heirloom you can share online. Contact our curator...