Richardson Dunbar Leslie

Military Information

  • Date of enlistment: 31.08.1914
  • Place of enlistment:
  • Service no: 187766
  • Rank: Petty Officer 1st Class
  • Service Occupation:
  • Awards:
  • Regiment/Service: H.M.S. Formidable
  • Unit/Ship: Royal Navy
  • Place of Death: Lost at Sea
  • Age at Death: 34
  • Date of Death: 01.01.1915
  • Burial Country:
  • Cemetery: Chatham Naval Memorial
  • Grave/Mem Ref no: Panel 9

Personal Information

  • Date of Birth: 18.05.1880
  • Place of Birth: Glencarse, Perthshire
  • Address: 3 Lorne St, Lochee
  • Occupation: Police Constable
  • Mother:
  • Father:
  • Siblings:
  • Spouse:

    Clementina S Leslie 3 Lorne Street, Lochee, Dundee.

  • Children:

    2 Daughters

More about Richardson Dunbar Leslie

Richardson has no known grave but is remembered on the Chatham Naval Memorial. He was serving aboard H.M.S. Formidable when she was struck by 2 torpedoes fired from German Submarine U-24, 20 miles from Start Point at 2 a.m. on 01.01.1915. The first torpedo hit No 1 boiler, port side, a second explosion caused the ship to list heavily to starboard. Huge waves lashed the stricken ship, with strong winds, rain and hail, sinking in less than 2 hours.

Richardson Dunbar Leslie   Royal Navy  

The photo is that of Petty Officer Richardson D. Leslie, one of the Dundee men who went down in the battleship Formidable on New Year’s Day.

Leslie joined the Navy in 1896, and had considerable service in distant waters, chiefly on the Australian station.  In 1903, whilst attached to H.M.S. Mohawk, he took part in a Somaliland expedition, and had some thrilling experiences.

The British captain had been requested to investigate into the death of an Italian ship captain whom the natives had murdered.  The captain ordered Leslie to carry the British flag and accompany him ashore, along with the Italian standard-bearer.  On locating the enemy they were met by a murderous rifle fire, and at the very outset Captain Gaunt fell severely wounded in the leg, whilst the Italian standard-bearer, who was by Leslie’s side was shot dead.  Afterwards the British returned in force and soon settled the affair.

For his part in that expedition Leslie received the Somali Medal.

In 1907, being then a first-class petty officer, he was transferred to the Royal Fleet Reserve, and returning to Dundee, became a member of the City Police Force, in which he proved a most popular officer.  On the declaration of war Leslie was among the first to be called up.

While on the Formidable he was one of the quartermasters.  His untimely loss with the gallant crew of the Formidable is mourned by a large circle of friends, whose sympathy goes out to his widow and two little daughters, who reside at 3 Lorne Street, Lochee.

Dundee Courier 15th January 1915

Richardson D Leslie was born in Glencarse and was the husband of Mrs Clementina S Leslie of 3 Lorne Street, Lochee, Dundee. He joined the Royal Navy as a Boy Seaman in 1900 and had been advanced to Petty Officer First Class by 1907. At this point he purchased his release from the Navy and was enrolled into the Royal Fleet Reserve with the service number RFR/CH/B/4471. In July 1914 he was recalled to service and drafted to HMS Pembroke, the Naval Barracks at Chatham in Kent. From here he was sent to the battleship HMS Formidable at the end of August. The Formidable was one of eight ships of the 5th Battle Squadron which sailed from Sheerness on 30 December 1914. The Squadron passed through the Strait of Dover heading west when they were spotted by U-24, a German submarine. It trailed them throughout 31 December and attacked before midnight. The first attack failed but the second hit the starboard side of the Formidable, the last ship in the line. The ship took on a list and launched boats into the stormy sea. The U Boat returned and fired another torpedo into the port side of the ship which began to sink by the bow. Over 540 men drowned and about 240 were saved. Richardson Leslie’s body was not recovered and he is commemorated on the Chatham Naval Memorial in Kent and also on the Dundee City Police Memorial.


Information supplied by Gary Thomson, Additional information and image courtesy of Dundee City Police Memorial booklet and Michael Caldwell.

Further information supplied by Iain Stewart and Iain Birnie

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