Elizabeth Birrel Ross

Personal Information

  • Date of Birth: August 1915
  • Place of Birth:
  • Address: 18 Commercial Street, Dundee
  • Occupation:
  • Mother:
  • Father:
  • Siblings:
  • Spouse:
  • Children:
  • Age at Death: 2 months
  • Date of Death: 30/12/1915
  • Place of Death: Lost at sea, south of Crete.
  • Burial Country:
  • Cemetery:

More about Elizabeth Birrel Ross

Baby Elizabeth B Ross was the daughter of Mrs Cecilia E Ross and their Dundee address was at 18 Commercial Street. The SS Persia was on passage from Britain to Bombay when she was torpedoed without warning by the German submarine U-38, south of Crete. The Persia sank within ten minutes and only four of the eight lifeboats could be lowered. Three hundred and forty people drowned in the sinking with less than two hundred rescued two days later. Elizabeth Ross and her mother were not saved. A memorial service was held for them in Calcutta on 28 February 1916.

Information supplied by Iain Stewart and Iain Birnie

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