David Jeffrey Robertson

Personal Information

  • Date of Birth: 1888
  • Place of Birth:
  • Address: 77 High Street, Montrose
  • Occupation:
  • Mother:
  • Father:

    Mr Thomas Robertson of 77 High Street, Montrose.

  • Siblings:
  • Spouse:
  • Children:
  • Age at Death:
  • Date of Death: 04/10/1918
  • Place of Death: Lost at sea
  • Burial Country:
  • Cemetery:

More about David Jeffrey Robertson

David J Robertson was the son of Mr Thomas Robertson of 77 High Street, Montrose. He trained as an Ironfounder in Dundee. The Hirano Maru was torpedoed off the Irish Coast whilst on passage from Liverpool to the Far East. Only 30 of about 240 sailors and passengers on board the Hirano Maru survived when the ship was attacked by a German submarine, probably UB-91, in the Irish Sea just over a month before the peace armistice was declared to end the conflict. David Robertson’s body was not recovered. Local residents in Pembrokeshire, Wales, found at least 20 bodies along the county coastline, 10 of which were buried in the churchyard in the small village of Angle. The wooden post erected at the time to commemorate the 10 victims rotted away and was replaced by a new granite memorial in 2018, inscribed with a dedication written in English, Japanese and Welsh. The U Boat survived the war and her deck gun is on display in Chepstow, Monmouthshire.

Information supplied by Iain Stewart and Iain Birnie. Images courtesy of David James, West Wales Maritime Heritage Society

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