Great War Dundee
This is Dundee's story of those that served in the First World War, and of the people left at home
Tayside at War – book launch
1st December 2018
Please join us at 11am on Saturday 1 December in Lecture Theatre 2, Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee for the launch of the Abertay Historical Society’s 59th annual publication, Tayside at War.
Marking the centenary of the end of the Great War, this new volume, edited by Billy Kenefick and Derek Patrick, has been published in association with the Great War Dundee Commemorative Project and features chapters by nine authors looking at some of the different ways the Great War impacted on the greater Tayside area. The authors and subjects covered are:
- Sea Soldiers – Scotland’s Forgotten Heroes of World War One by Andrew Jeffrey
- ‘And man, you’re a damn fine type’ – Private Charles Craig, one of ‘Dundee’s Own’ by Derek Patrick
- The Dundee and Tayside Canadians of the Great War by Gary Thomson
- The Alyth Escapers by Norman Fraser Brown
- The Wartime Experiences of an Angus Farming Family by Rae Taylor
- University College, Dundee and the Great War by Kenneth Baxter
- The Impact of War and Revolution – Dundee 1914-1918 by Billy Kenefick
- ‘Bristling with guns’ – German First World War Artillery in Tayside and Fife, 1919-1940 by Mike Taylor
- Loos: The Fallen Fourth – Visualising Community Identity and Loss in the First World War by Iain Donald
The launch will be introduced by Billy Kenefick and will feature talks by authors Gary Thomson and Mike Taylor.